
The story of Trident began in 2009 from the idea of its owner Clemens Widmayr. As professional firefighter for 20 years, he wanted to create a reality that could become a reference in the world of security over the years. The development of environmentally friendly and highly effective products that make extinguishing various flammable materials easier and safer has therefore become his calling.

Today, the Trident New Technology group, exclusive reseller, has a significant commercial network. A reality that become a leader in the market for organic flame retardants and is spreading across the European and global markets.


Today, fire relief measures and the forms of energy we use are having a devastating effect on the climate, water, and land; the effects of which will last for centuries and for the most part, have an irreversible impact on our planet.

This is why we must have a conscious vision, the courage, and the responsibility to analyze current causes to order to rectify future effects.

Designed with this philosophy, the Trident fire extinguishing agent is a German production developed especially for firefighters and the police with the aim of saving people, animals, and their environment in complete safety.

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100% Ecological Fire Preventor and Extinguisher.

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